Staying safe around electricity is everyone's responsibility. You should watch out for yourself, your friends and your family. |
Electricity is part of our everyday life - designed to provide us with a safe and reliable source of energy. Most of the time, electricity is our friend, but sometimes it can be dangerous. This happens when we're exposed to it in ways we were not meant to be. We can avoid these hazards by following some simple rules. |
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Water can conduct electricity because electrons can flow by hitching a ride on atoms and molecules in the water. Water contains dissolved substances, such as salt. These greatly increase the ability of water to conduct electricity. That's why electricity passes easily through our bodies - because our bodies contain water and salt. This is also why it's important to keep water away from electrical appliances. |
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We all like to play outside, but there are electrical hazards that we need to know about. Electricity poles and wires are all around us. They can be above us, next to us, and even below us. Whenever you can, play in open spaces away from electricity poles, towers and powerlines. |
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We all come into contact with metal objects on a daily basis - turning on a tap, playing with our computers and toys and even using the fridge. Because metal conducts electricity, you have to be very careful when you use metal items. |
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You will find electricity substations and power equipment all over the place. They are behind fences, in buildings, or on the side of the footpath, and most have danger signs. Substations transform the voltage generated at power stations so it can be distributed to homes, schools and businesses. Sometimes they are near parks and play areas. Substations are safe, but you must follow the rules. |
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Always be on the look out for dangers in and around your home. This could be anything from a faulty electrical lead to a "stacked" power point - one with too many plugs in it. These situations could be life threatening and an electrician should be called in to fix them. |
If you come across an emergency involving electricity | ||
We all hope that we are never in an emergency involving electricity, but if we are, it's important to know what to do. |
Remember | ||
If you hit a buried power line you could be electrocuted, as well as possibly interrupting the power to your suburb. |
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